The Illinois March for Life is coming up on Tuesday, March 25, in Springfield. The Diocese of Rockford is coordinating a pilgrimage to Springfield. Registration is due by February 25.
Our College Care Package Ministry is getting ready for their spring mailing. Interested in having your college student living away from home or a child in the Military receive a care package from the parish?
Human life at every stage has dignity, value, and worth because we are created in the image and likeness of God. Join us in praying for the protection of human life and serving moms in need.
All ladies are invited to particpate in our women's Bible study called Walking with Purpose. Come to learn more about Christ and build community with other women.
Our parish has a subscription to FORMED. Think of it as a FREE Catholic Netflix. FORMED has movies, video studies, audio talks, and ebooks that you can access for 24/7 at no charge to you!
RCIA classes are designed for adults thinking about becoming Catholic or those who are curious about the teachings of the Catholic Church, the Bible, and the sacramental life.